
Prof.dr. Bram Steijn

Bram Steijn studied sociology at Erasmus University (1977-1984) and also received his PhD at Erasmus University (1992). He is professor of Human Resource Management in the Public Sector since 2008. He is employed by Erasmus University since 1980. First at the department of Sociology, from 2001 onwards at the department of Public Administration and now at the new department of Public Administration and Sociology. His research focusses on high performing work practices, leadership and motivation.

Next to academic work Bram Steijn does consultancy work, research projects and holds regularly lectures for a wide variety of Dutch public sector organizations (like PBLQ, CAOP, the municipality of Rotterdam and several ministries).

EUR Research Excellence Initiative Research programme 2016-2020

The State of Local Welfare: Devolution of welfare state arrangements and the implementation, organization and management of welfare services